6th Month /22nd Day -1st from Sabbath (sunday) : Pentacontad IV - Oil and Wood

MMT A (4Q394 1-2)

On the seventh of the sixth (month): sabbath.

On the fourteenth of it: sabbath.

On the twenty-first] V of it: sabbath.

On the twenty-second of it: Feast of Oil, fir[st of sab]bath (Sunday). Af[terwards]: offe[ring of Wood].

The 7 biblical Shebo-Shebetôt (pentacontads):

# Feast of First Fruits Biblical Month Gregorian Month Biblical Date

1 Barley; Waving of Sheaf 1st biblical month Apr 1/26

2 Wheat; “Weeks” 3rd biblical month May 1/26 + 50 = 3/15

3 New Wine / Pentecost 5th biblical month July-Aug 3/15 + 50 = 5/3

4 Oil & Wood 6th biblical month Sept 5/3 + 50 = 6/22

5 (…) 8th biblical month Oct-Nov 6/22 + 50 = 8/10

6 (…) 9th biblical month Dec 8/10 + 50 = 9/29

7 (…) 11th bibl. month Feb 9/29 + 50 = 11/17

(49 days + 49 days + 49 days + 49 days + 49 days + 49 days + 70 days = 364 days)

(7 x 7) x 7 + (3 x 7) = 364 days