Year 1 / Month 1 / Day 1 - 4th from Sabbath (wednesday): Gamul

(Year 1)

Mishmarot A (4Q320)

Fr. 1 i

... to show it from the east. [And] to cause it to shine [in] the middle of heaven, in the foundation [of the creat]ion, from evening till morning. (There is full moon)

On the 4th (day) in the week [of the sons of G]amul in the first month of [the firs]t year.

[On the 5th (day) in (the week of) Jedai]ah, (corresponding) to the 29th (day of the lunar month, which falls) on the 30th (day) of the 1st (solar month).

[On the sabbath in (the week of) Hak]koz, (corresponding) to the 30th (day of the lunar month, which falls) on the 30th of the second (solar month).

[On the 1st (day) in (the week of) Elia]shib, (corresponding) to the 29th (day of the lunar month), (which falls) on the 29th (day) in the third (solar month).

[On the 3rd (day) in (the week of) Bilg]ah, (corresponding) to the 30th (day of the lunar month, which falls) on the 28th day in the fourth (solar month).

[On the 4th (day) in (the week of) Peta]hiah, (corresponding) to the 29th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 27th day in the fifth (solar month).

On the 6th (day) in (the week of) Delaiah, (corresponding) to the 30th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 27th (day) in the sixth (solar month).

[On the sabbath in (the week of) Seori]m, (corresponding) to the 29th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 25th (day) in the seventh (solar month).

[On the 2nd (day) in (the week of) Abiah, (corresponding) to the 3]oth (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 25th (day) in the eighth (solar month).

[On the 3rd (day) in (the week of) Jakim, (corresponding) to the 2]9th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 24th (day) in the ninth (solar month).

Fr. 1 ii

On the 5th (day) in (the week of) Immer, (corresponding) to the 30th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 23rd (day) in the tenth (solar month).

On the 6th (day) in (the week of) Jehezekel, (corresponding) to the 29th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 22nd (day) in the eleventh (solar) month.

On the 1st (day) in (the week of) Jeiarib, (corresponding) to the 30th (day of the lunar month which falls) on the 22nd (day) in the twelfth (solar) month.


Mishmarot A (4Q320)

Fr. 3 i

II ... the days, the sabbaths [and] the months [for] years and for sabbatical years and for jubilees.

On the 4th (day) of the week of the sons of Gamul.


Mishmarot B (4Q321)

Fr. 4 I (?)

(First year)

[In the first] month in Gamul;

[on the thir]d (day) in Ma[aziah: Passover.

In Jedaiah: the Waving of the Sheaf.

The (first day) of the second (month) is in Jedaiah;

in Seorim: the Second Passover.

(The first day of the) third (month is) in (the week of Hakkoz.]


in Jeshua: the Feast of Week[s] is in it.

[The fou]r[th (month begins) in E]liashib.

The fifth (month begins) in [Bilgah.

The sixth (month begins) in J]ehezekel.

The seve[nth (month begins) in Maoziah].

In Maoziah is the Day of Memorial.

In Joiarib is the Day of Atonement.

In Jedaiah is [the Feast of] Tabernacles.

The eighth (month begins) [in Seorim].

The ninth (month begins) in Jeshua.

The tenth (month begins) in Huppah.

The eleventh (month begins) in Hezir.

The twelfth (month begins) in Gamul. vacat


Mishmarot F (4Q328)

[(The heads or beginnings of years :]

[In the first : Gamul]

[In the second : Jedaia]

[In the third : Mijamin]

[In the fourth : Shecaniah)]

In the fifth : Jeshabe]ab.

In the sixth: Pizzez.

These (here above) are the heads of the years .

[(The heads of quarters:]

[In the first [year]: Gamul, Eliash[ib], Moazia[h, Huppah.

In] the second: Jedaiah, Bilgah, Se[or]im, He[zir].

[In the third]: Mij[amin], Petahiah, Ab[iah, Jachin].

[In the fourth: Shecaniah, De]laiah, Jakim, Joia[rib.

In the fifth: Jeshabeab, Harim, Immer, Malchiah.

In the s[ixth: Pizzez, [(Hakoz, Jehezekel, Jeshua)] ]…

[These (here above) are the heads of the quarters.]